Quick Reference

Time Period:
Painted about 1935 or '36.

Southwick Studio
South right window.

Oil on Canvas


Window Picture

27 X 30

Williston Academy, 1936, '37
Vose Galleries (Boston), 1937
Southern Vermont AA, 1937

Mrs. H. G. Young



"...he is full of luminosity and color in 'The Autumn Window...'"
New York critic - Royal Cortissoz

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Featured Artwork: Autumn Window

RSW's Diary Comments

"Painted about 1935 or '36. One of my studio windows in Buckland. Exhibited at Manchester, Vt and elsewhere and bought from Manchester by Mrs. H. G. Young of Greenwich, Connecticut. She also owns chalk drawing of Bennington Church."

Additional Notes

Royal Cortissoz for the New York Herald Tribune, September 5, 1937:

April Sun
New York Herald Tribune, September 5, 1937

always with an able brush. He deals powerfully with tree forms in the picture 'At peace,' he is full of luminosity and color in 'The Autumn Window,' and he is purely charming in 'The Big Chimney,' a painting that fairly sparkles.

The south window furtherest from Woodward's desk corner and nearest the hearth. One can see the back of the neighbor's house to the south, the roof of the sleigh shed, and a portion of the lower terrace.

The red/orange oil lamp featured in this painting is a favorite of Woodward's appearing in numerous window paintings, especially the little east window.

The painting, April Sun, shows the entire south window and its view of the valley to the south toward Ashfield, MA.

To the left is an image of the oil lamp. You can click on the image to get a better look.